Sunday, October 6, 2019

BIOGRAPHY ON MY HUSBAND Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

BIOGRAPHY ON MY HUSBAND - Essay Example However, his first marriage, despite all of his determination to make it work did crumble but this was not due to any fault of his own. He soon found that the marriage had been built on lies with his wife having lied about her age when they married and still being a very young and naà ¯ve girl, she left Fernando holding the dilemma of how to continue to care for the family. They had one child together which his wife left in his care since she seemingly wanted no part in motherhood. This left him with trying to figure out a way to continue to work while at the same time being a good father to the child caught in the middle of the separation and divorce. During this time Fernando was attempting to be a full-time dad and also working full-time with his landscaping company. Times were extremely hard for him as he did not have sufficient resources to depend on nor did he have any family that was near him who could have helped in taking care of his daughter while he worked during that tim e. Somehow this man did manage to make it through this period of time on his own, never once turning away from the responsibilities he had as a father to his daughter. He also did not try and prosecute his first wife for abandonment of their child so he only had his own self to rely on in order to guarantee the necessary sustenance to keep his family running smoothly. He did seek out daycare services for his daughter so that he could continue to work and this bill alone was quite substantial every month. However, his neighbors often helped him out with watching his daughter but he was very careful in this area because he did not want to come to depend on anyone or be considered a burden either so he assumed much of the work on his own. During this period of time Fernando did not seek out other relationships like a percentage of men would do. He dedicated himself to being a father and continued to work because he knew that in

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