Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Cultural Tourism Development Essay
With its modern sky line and quality infrastructure, it is difficult to recall that Dubai in the United Arab Emirates was once a small town of Bedouin traders. foreign animals used to inhabit the grounds occupied by the present-day nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide al Sheba racetrack Contemporary Dubai has been construct beyond reason open expectations, to a greater extent so from the stigma which befell a post-Gulf War Arabia. High- applied science and high-fashion shops are now as commonplace as the g overage souks. Modern Dubai is an eclectic mix of old and new, ancient and modern. touristry, hea henceish touristry inciteicularly, is considered one of the fastest-growing industries globally with fierce c entrance hallenger being its natural corollary. Dubai is collected as one of the prime tourist speechs, great(p) the country a distinct vantage in the arena. Dubais sexual intercourse advantages pertinent to touristry are manifold. First, touristry is a rapidly-growing , huge fabrication it is, in that locationfore, a of import sector that Dubai can induce advantage of. Dubai is capably cap satisfactory in meeting global standards, being in itself, a set of visions.Dubais global position, as predicted, result be that of an internationally-recognized hub and destination of choice for pagan touristry. Dubais 2010 vision reiterates this notion, stating a doubled agenda for its long-term goal of becoming an international tourist hub (1) creating a quality environment conducive to immigration and investment inflows, necessary for enticing a technologically-knowledgeable/skilled human capital base, (2) launching a form _or_ system of government of humanistic discipline and culture maturations, with the establishment of an devices center in Dubai, (3) initiating an one-year program of heathenish activities (e.g. expositions, concerts, visiting artist performances) to track its reputation as a modern society. Second, tourism is a highly- unpredictable industry, with trends and factors influential of tourist influx. Factors that positively affect tourism are disposable income join on, transportation cost decrease, tourism package cost decrease, and political stability presence. Travel distance has flummox an irrelevant tourism factor. Third, competition has spurred creative marketing strategies on the part of tourism providers.They have started providing leisure and business packages in greater variety, high quality, and to a greater extent competitive pricing scheme- thereby boosting the market take for tourism. With the watercourse trends in tourism at work, the demand being on the approbatory side, it is projected that the $ 3. 3 trillion global tourism industry bequeath grow at a 6. 8 % annual rate for the future(a) 10 years. Fourth, the tourism industry is challenged by a body of better-informed and tart clientele.Tourism providers, thus, guide to package destinations in a detail-specific and compell ing manner, categorized on the basis of market segmentation, in order to lure identically tourists. The package destinations can overly aim at a wider plod of tourists for particular destinations in order to satisfy the market demand. In view of these trends, Dubai must adhere to the aforementioned steps to be able to take advantage of the tourism sector to its fullest. Dubai must primary(prenominal)tain explore-based equilibrium determine per tourist segment, from where tourism providers can base tourist package offers from.The stir up is expect to optimize Dubais gain from possible tourism-generated re venues. It must also continue upgrading its support function in order to be able to service the increasing flock of tourists, broaden the basis of their motivation for tourism, and eventually, toady to a greater extent tourists into visiting. A study of tourisms framework is a requisite for understanding it. According to the Singaporean Board of Tourism website, the touris m landscape is composed of two sections motivating attraction and supporting services. motivating attractions include business tourism, cruise events, honeymoons, and especially, ethnic tourism. Supporting services, however, include IT & conversation systems, travel agencies, hotels, entertainment management companies, and computer reservation systems. ethnical activities, in addition, are part of a broader tourism framework by twist on both Motivating Attractions and Supporting serve, Dubai give be able to attract tourists and encourage repeat visits. Cultural TourismCultural tourism is the type of tourism intent on an exploration of and education on the culture of a particular state. The motivating attraction components of ethnical tourism are heathen/historical heritage, performing liberal arts (theatre), visual arts and music. The CulturalHistorical Heritage component includes parks sightseeing, tours, heathenish events, festivals and fairs. perform Arts (Theatre) inclu des musicals, operas, concert dance and dance exhibitions, and dramatic and classical performances.The Visual Arts component includes museums, characterization galleries, craft exhibits, and film and photo representy showcases. Music, however, includes symphonies, orchestras and concerts. Supporting Services for ethnic tourism comp grow of marketing organizations to promote the Arts and Dubais position as a center for the arts in the region, operational organizations to collaborate with performing arts talents and IT specialists for marketing, state-of-the-art venues like auditoriums, screening rooms, seminar rooms and staging arenas, and the technology that allows for world-class performances and shows.This US-based data on pagan tourism illustrates some rouge characteristics of the tourism demography (regular/cultural tourists), with important implications on the possible benefits from cultural tourism. Research suggests that promoting cultural tourism in Dubai will attract an extremely valuable clientele that will be willing to spend more ($ 174 average difference) and lengthen the succession of their visit (4% difference). Cultural tourism onward motion, research also suggests, increases the likelihood of rough drawing clients with more advanced ages (48 vs.46 average, 3% difference in retired tourists demography) and educational backgrounds (3% difference in graduate full point-holding status). Hosting much(prenominal) a demography is a boost for promoting Dubai as the image drawing card in the region, an immense contribution to the knowledge economy. The National Assembly of estate Arts agencies website asserts that some economic and cultural trends has had a huge violation on cultural tourism statistics. First, there has been a general rise in affluence and education level trends.Second, the United Arab Emirates has bore get a line to cultural diversity with expatriates now accounting for more than 75% of the UAE population. Third, an incre ase in the economic role and education of women had women typically setting up vacation plans. Fourth, a lesser time for leisure which is a mark of modern society increased the demand for and placed idiom on shorter and value-added trips. Lastly, there has been an intensified influence of technology in every domain of a function an increased awareness of cultural issues thence effected in tourists demanding a greater variety of cultural activities.These trends imply favorable growth prospects for cultural tourism in Dubai. Analyzing Dubais situation, it is evident that the current cultural tourism landscape is insufficient. Cultural Tourism Activities in Dubai are on a small-scale, fragmented, and uncoordinated way, and bereft of independent quality check and strategic guidance. The Dubai explorer 2002 has it that the only activities/establishments which garnered a medium rating on the concentration graph were Dubais six (6) parks (Creekside Park, Mushrif Park, Rashidiya Park, S afa Park, Al Mamzar Beach and Jumeira Beach Park).The Performing Arts Division (comprising of nine (9) groups and clubs), the Visual Arts Sector (composed of quaternity (4) galleries) and Falconry Divisions three (3) centers were noted as having the lowest concentrations. Dubai, however, is not deficient in Venues for Musical and Theatrical Performances which include seven (7) venues for chaste Concerts (e. g. Crowne Plaza Hotel), six (6) venues for Theatrical Performances (e. g. a 500-seat residential district Theater built in 2002 boney Nad Al Sheba) and fifteen (15) venues for Dance/ quinine water Concert Events.These physical bodys are suggestive of the budding need for abstract staging facilities and equipment the demand for performance venues having been predicted. Comparing the aforementioned figures to a cultural tourism-investing countrys infrastructure statistics will reveal some blow out of the water differences. The data has it that Dubai has 80% the GDP/capita of Hong Kong but pales in comparison with moot to cultural infrastructure- with only 15% the number of museums and 0% the number of theaters and arenas. base on these ratios, Dubai should have at least 10 museums and 5 theaters in order to parallel Hongkongs status as a tourism spot. The Cultural Tourism Industry Group and the National Assembly of differentiate Arts Agencies websites specify the apparent quality and tourism potential of museums, art galleries, concert halls, historic sites, and national and state parks as main considerations influencing cultural tourists. The organization of cultural events, festivals and fairs is a consideration too. With an understandably febrile itinerary, the logistics scheme and accompanying amenities also count.Some of these features have already been instituted/organized in Dubai such as national and state parks, cultural events, festivals and fairs. These institutions/affairs are considered highly-competitive and very manageable. On the oth er hand, theaters, concert halls and archaeological sites are basically non-existent. The construction of theaters and concert halls are reasonable, achievable objectives as exemplified by the construction of a 500-seat Community Theater (built in 2002 near Nad Al Sheba).The contrary holds for establishing archeological sites, a challenging feat. The creation of and investment in organizational networks in Dubai that promote cultural activities will beget ample dedication which will enable cultural organizations to fund, nurse and implement innovative ideas crucial to the development of cultural activities. In addition, the capital punishment of high-impact activities will command the highest visibility and draw a significant number of tourists.Those projects are intent on Cultural Tourism which is currently in assentingible in Dubai. Cultural Tourism necessitates the creation of a dedicated watchfulness committee within the DTCM structure to (1) coordinate with the personal s ector regarding the development of projects, (2) fund and harbor the development of different project concepts, and (3) assist in projects implementation to foster the development of cultural activities. Possible High-Impact Projects Cultural Tourism necessitates an identification of viable high-impact activities for implementation.Possible projects include (1) the construction of a culture complex (Barbican or Lincoln Center model-based), (2) the construction of an opera digest (Londons Royal Albert Hall-modeled), (3) erection of a major performing arts venue (in joint effort with the private sectors Community Theater project currently current), (4) the erection of a concert hall (in partnership with Moscow for purposes of return and guidance), (5) the generalization of a desert arena, (6) hosting cultural events and activities, and (7) erection of art cinema houses for Indie Films (NYCs Angelica Theater-based).Moreover, there is an apparent need for an amendment in Dubais exi sting laws on private ownership to further the development of cultural tourism in this region. In a 1999 DTCM survey, as posted in the HK Leisure and Cultural Services department website, a majority of the respondents specified the scarcity of ludicrous activities and sightings in Dubai. The respondents criticized the offered cultural activities as being small-scale, fragmented and uncoordinated.These survey results support the need for improvements in cultural tourism infrastructure, developments in ongoing cultural activities, and initiation of high-impact projects. The DTCM, with its current organizational setup, is ill-equipped for a full development of cultural services. A labor force comparison between the DTCM and the HK L&C Services Department yielded startling results the HK L&C Services Department has 26 times more employees.There is an immense need to foster a dedicated organization, in charge of coordinating the development of cultural activities in the region. The org anizational setup will be based on the Hong Kong model where its primary role would be to act as the primordial node of cultural activities in the region. Other organizational responsibilities include (1) promotion of cultural performances, (2) provision of support to festival organizers and private companies, and (3) offer of audience-aimed educational programs, and (4) boilersuit logistical operations (e. g.venues and ticketing). Conclusion It is evident that the dearth of cultural facilities and cultural activities has brought Dubai to a tourism disadvantage. Cultural facilities/activities have been described, aptly or otherwise, as being small-scale, quality control-bereft, and seemingly uncoordinated with other cultural tourism authorities. Established institutions, however, such as the Dubai Museum, Sheikh Mohammed Center for Cultural Understanding, and the Dubai Natural History Group have potentially important roles in boosting Dubais cultural tourism prospects.Currently, th ere is an insufficient government emphasis in Cultural Tourism, although an AED 10M Dubai Community Theatre project which is currently underway is definitely a step in the right direction. An expedient cultural tourism infrastructure will facilitate Dubais agenda of drawing a desirable demographic, generating ample revenues from increased expenses and lengthened travel duration on tourists part, and according Dubai the status of an image leader in the world.Furthermore, it is expected to heighten students thespic awareness and enthusiasm, sufficient encouragements for the scholarly and professional pursuit of the Arts. An overall improvement in the quality of life is expected with the creation of an inculturated tourism experience creative arts specialists and cultural promotion companies will then be drawn to Dubai. Implications The magnitude of Dubais long-term agenda has motley implications for the government and support systems, and marketing and performance logistics.For one, a high degree of government support is entailed, more so that the need to institute a governmental agency for cultural promotion purposes presents itself. Secondly, creating partnerships with relevant local and oversea organizations is required for the promotion and improvement of Dubais Art and Culture. Third, the creation of specialized umbrella organizations, like a National Heritage Board or an Arts Council, is a significant assistance to the government for a more focused management.Fourth, the government has to support, subsidize and grant incentives to private sector initiatives in support of Dubais cultural tourism agenda (e. g. museum foundation, arts organizations). Lastly, there is a need for the government to set guidelines and policies directed on an utile management of cultural facilities, heritage conservation and tourist education. Support services have their own share of responsibilities. First, the management of major facilities, such as stadiums and performance venues, will ensure organizers a constant facility access and facility maintenance.Second, there is a need for the implementation of an accessible and alter ticketing system, possibly with the use of the Internet, to ensure a widespread distribution and expediency. Third, the gift of financial support to festivals, events organizers, museums administration and arts organizations can be a tourism marketing tool. Lastly, the Internet is an useful marketing instrument with a global domain therefore, creating websites and publishing electronic newsletters on cultural tourism is an information dissemination option.Dubais cultural tourism agenda has peculiar implications for marketing and production logistics. First, ticket pricing has to be reasonable and demand-based with neglect offerings for senior citizens, students and children, and price markdowns on special occasions and for promotional means. Second, an effective marketing strategy is key to succeeding in this arena to get i n and organize sales missions, trade and tourism fairs, consumer fairs and other promotional events is therefore necessary.Third, cultural organizers have to be responsible for audience-briefing on cultural themes in order to help the audience appreciate different cultural performances. Lastly, an improve domain is a boost to cultural tourism therefore, the provision of educational programs addressed to students (lectures, workshops, seminars and symposia) and the encouragement of learning institutions to participate in cultural activities will significantly bolster Dubais tourism agenda. Dubais vision has crucial implications for production logistics too.First, affairs organizers have a wide array of production options ranging from traditional repertoires to avant-garde creative performances. Organizers have a corollary responsibility of heeding consumer demand and garnering independent ideas providing a means for the submission of independent project proposals is therefore requis ite. Second, it is the organizers privilege and responsibility to provide performance opportunities to both established and approaching local artists and groups.Third, there is an organizer responsibility for a performance venue planning and management, with a corollary need for the constant enhancement and upgrading of performance facilities. Lastly, production organizers have to establish and be of support to local professional artists groups like philharmonic societies, dance companies and orchestras. With a competent strategy and ample guidance, Dubais 2010 Vision of Cultural Tourism need not be an impossible action
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